Monday 8.30am to 5.30pm
Tuesday 8.30am to 5.30pm
Wednesday 8.30am to 5.30pm
Thursday 8.30am to 7:00pm
Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm
Saturday 8.30am to 12:30pm
Toowoomba QLD 4350
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Appointments available online or call Ph: 4638 2377

Eye Test
An eye test will take between 45 minutes for an initial test to 30 minutes for a follow up. During this time we will test your vision, eye health and eye coordination and screen for eye diseases such as glaucoma and macula degeneration. We will listen to your concerns and take the time to explain your eyes to you, in understandable and actionable language. Read more

Eye Care
In addition to the eye test, a general eye care health check is included in all our comprehensive consultations. If eye health issues are found during this general health check our optometrists will perform further tests to diagnose and monitor specific eye conditions. Read more

Our optometrists are experienced in helping with some of the most complex of visual problems, such as those brought about by conditions such as autism, dyslexia and problems with reading. One in 5 children suffer from an undetected vision problem. Many of these conditions can be picked up in children at an early age. Read more

Vision Therapy
For some people, developing visual skills can be particularly difficult, meaning slow progress in learning to read, hand-eye coordination and learning. Every one of us has to learn to coordinate their eyes. In the same way as a toddler learns to coordinate their arms and legs to walk. Read more

Myopia control is the use of lenses or eye drops to prevent the condition occurring or slowing it down. Myopia, or short sightedness, is on the increase world wide. With increased educational demands and increased screen time, myopia is becoming an epidemic. Read more

Contact Lens
Our optometrists are experienced in fitting and managing patients with a wide variety of contact lenses, such as soft contact lenses, frequent replacement soft contact lenses and rigid, gas-permeable contact lenses. Special therapeutic, multifocal and cosmetic contact lenses also are available. Read more

Dry Eye
Symptoms of dry eye include, itchiness (particularly in the corner of the eyes), stinging or burning, redness, tired eyes (and the feeling that they need to be closed to bring relief). In some instances they may also include occasional blurred vision and mucus around the eyelids. Read more

Behavioural Optometery
Behavioural Optometry is a different way of looking at vision. Rather than the number of letters a patient can see on a chart, a behavioural optometrist looks into how a patient’s visual system functions. Eyesight is seeing the car. Vision is getting across the road without being run over. Read more
Our Story

Your Trusted Optometrist In Toowoomba
Neilson Eyecare is a locally operated, full service optometry practice in Toowoomba, Queensland. Optometrists Kat Kruchio, Jess Thai and David Neilson have been prescribing glasses and caring for patient’s eyes for over 30 years. Believing in lifelong learning, we stay at the forefront of research in to all aspects of vision. We are a behavioural practice with an in house vision therapist, Emsie Muriel de Kock. We have a particular interest in children’s vision, myopia control and patients with brain injuries. We believe in enabling everybody to “Do Your Thing”. High quality eyecare for all, not ‘production line’ care. Every patient has unique needs for their vision, we address these needs individually, and take the time to explain the options. The practice is located in a beautiful old Queenslander in Russell Street, close to the CBD with plenty of parking.

Our Mission
We aim to provide a lifetime of the best possible vision for our patients through quality, professional services as well as the latest eyecare technology and products. In doing this, we strive to create a positive experience for all who come into contact with our practice and to improve the quality of life of our professional team, our patients and our community.
Our Vision
We believe everybody should be able to “Do Your Thing”. We believe in the power of optimal vision. In a world where children are able to reach their full potential, where adults are not limited by their sight.
Our Values
- Create a warm, welcoming patient experience.
- Address our patient’s vision needs on an individual basis. Working on solutions that are specific to them.
- Implementing the most up to date technology in testing, therapy and office systems.
- Be at the forefront of latest research on all aspects of the visual system.
- To provide a work place that is engaging, stimulating & nurturing. Where individual’s effort is valued and there is a strong team spirit.
Meet the Team

David Neilson
Bachelor of Optometry
Member Australian College Behavioural Optometry
Master of Professional Accounting
Graduate Certificate in Ocular Therapeutics
32 years optical industry experience

Katalin Kruchio
Bachelor of Applied Science (Optometry) (Honours)
Graduate Certificate in Ocular Therapeutics
Certificate in Practical Vision Therapy
20 years optical industry experience

Jess Thai
Bachelor Vision Science (Distinction) Master Optometry (Distinction)

Emsie De Kock
Vision Therapist
Bachelor of Education (Primary) – specialising in Early Childhood Development and Pre Primary Education
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology (Honours) Specialist teacher of Music and 2nd Languages
Qualified Vision Therapist 32 years teaching and optical industry experience

Scott Chaffey
Optical Technician
Trade Cert in Optical Mechanics
Cert IV Optical Dispensing
27 years optical industry experience

Lisa Matthews
Optical Dispenser
Certificate IV in Optical Dispensing
Associate Diploma Hotel & Catering Services
Certificate IV Business
Diploma of Management
3 years optical industry experience

Liz Newbury
Optical Assistant
Career in travel and arts management
4 years optical industry experience

Teresa Haigh
Optical Assistant
22 years optical industry experience

Karissa McLeod
Optical Assistant
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
Certificate III in Children’s Services
Certificate IV in Youth Work
Certificate III in Retail & Certificate II in Business
2 months optical industry experience

Julie Sonter
Optical Assistant
Certificate IV in HR
Cert II and Cert III in Business Administration
1 month optical industry experience

Madie Chaffey
Optical Assistant - Saturday
1 years optical industry experience

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